Welcome to Vertical Jump Center

jordan-welcomeHello there and thanks for visiting Vertical Jump Center, the place where we take Vertical jumping and coaching seriously.

On this website I shall be dealing with many things that revolve around basketball conditioning.

I am a very active guy in life and I believe it is important for all of us to maintain our health and well being, physically and mentally as well, in order to play well.

I will also talk about strategies and simple ways which I use to accomplish it.

This site is generally devoted to any person who loves basketball or just wishes to increase his vertical jump and become more athletic on the court.

I'll look at various forms of training on the big rainbow of training, although I am going to concentrate mainly on basketball and strength training, because these are the most close to my heart sports and I've acquired most of my experience in these areas.

Make sure you drop by the News section (where the blog is) and sign up.

Thanks for visiting this site!

If you enjoy it you're invited to Like/Tweet about it.

Meanwhile as a start, enjoy this video of Kadour Ziani, one of the best vertical jumpers in the world and a big inspiration of mine!

Let's do this!


Kadour Ziani - One of The Best Dunkers in the World


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Gotta Love It :) Go Spurs!


10/08/2014 12:11
Lately it has come to my attention that people are not getting the results they were expecting...
07/10/2014 06:11
Not all athletes have the ability to jump high. Therefore, there are known techniques that you can...
06/13/2014 01:30
I promised to talk about vertical jumping so here’s my first article about a jump manual that...
06/12/2014 17:03
Welcome to my Blog! My name is Andy and I'm a huge fan of basketball, especially dunking one too. I...
06/12/2014 17:02
My website has been launched today. Weehee!!!