
10/08/2014 12:11

jump manual results

Lately it has come to my attention that people are not getting the results they were expecting from the jump manual program. There are many reasons why this could happen but the common thing to all of these is the fact that people completely misunderstood the program and didn't follow it as planned or skipped some of its guidelines.

Don't get me wrong, it is possible for people to learn how to jump higher through the process of doing the exercises alone but it's extremely inefficient and time consuming. Some people think that these exercise routines don't work but the reality is; they didn't perform them right, that is why their outcomes were discouraging. If you really wish your training to end up with an outstanding outcome, performing other things that are conducive for the development of your jump is also necessary, aside from just doing the exercises.

By the way I've discussed this issue with Matthew Godley from the jump manual, his blog has reviewed these cases and found a few more things that people do wrong.

Quality Vs. Quantity

If you are trying to make your jumps higher through exercise, then you better work more on quality rather than focusing on quantity. There are some very old training programs (Air Alert, Vertical Jump Bible etc...) where you will be required to perform 100, 500 or even 1000 repetitions. This practice is actually not beneficial because it inhibits you from obtaining an explosive vertical. To get a good result from the jump manual, performing eight to twelve reps is actually sufficient already.

Over killing with Weight Training

vertical jumpFatigue and injuries usually happen when you are lifting weights too much. Fundamentally, you are overusing your joints and that is why you acquire injuries. This will cause your jump explosion to diminish. Fatigue will also diminish your overall athleticism and not just your jump. This mistake is frequently committed by people who think that their jump will develop faster if they lift more iron in the weight room.

A few inches could be added to your vertical leap if you are performing weight training to some extent. However, you must know that performing more squats and weight lifting than necessary will not help you acquire faster results. More so, it will make you slower Instead of enhancing your speed. If you truly want to develop your jumping capacity, then moderation is a must.

Don't Skip Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the most significant aspects in vertical explosion, but ironically, it is also the most overlooked. Most athletes and trainers focus more on the physical aspect of jumping. But then again, all of the physical work will go down the drain if nutrition isn't given interest. This is because the body will not work well since it is not getting the nutrients that it requires.

You need to be well aware of the fact that a well-balanced nutrition is as essential as acquiring the right physical training. Having a sufficient carbohydrate consumption is required to energize your body, specifically if you participate in high intensity sports like basketball. Eating the appropriate amount of protein is also significant for your muscle development. Unless you're fine with having a hormonal imbalance, you should make it a point that you include sufficient fats in your diet as well.

Get Some Rest

jump injuryIt is also very crucial to get enough rest. There are numerous athletes who make the mistake of straining their muscles further by playing pickup games instead of resting after a strenuous physical training. Don't do that, you risk yourself with an injury by doing so. It is essential to rest properly after exercising to give your tired body the chance to recover. Adequate sleep will also help improve your vertical leap so make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

These things may look really easy, but they still play an important role and has a tremendous effect on your jump. You'd be surprised at how many people who use the jump manual (example) don't even bother doing these things and then they get frustrated when they don't see the results. As you can see, giving a priority to your health is essential for you to considerably develop your overall performance with the jump manual and if you really wanna hit a 50 inch vertical you really can't ignore these aspects.

07/10/2014 06:11

Not all athletes have the ability to jump high. Therefore, there are known techniques that you can consider to enhance your jumping skill. Improving vertical jump is especially significant for basketball players. Once they step inside the court, they should master a good jumping ability in order to have a winning performance.


You should tone up and boost your overall muscle strength before getting into any heavy stuff. That's the primary reason why you should do basic types of workouts first. Nonetheless, emphasize performing lower body exercises in order to build up muscles in the legs. This lets you move quickly and jump higher. Pumping iron or any other ways to boost your strength is highly important. Nonetheless, overdoing it will slow your movements down.

To strengthen your vertical leap and reach higher, you should embark on flexibility training routines. These workouts are composed of exercises that would assist you make use of your muscles without the risk of getting injured. In fact, professionals intevented these routines particularly to help increase your flexibility. This is done to prevent muscle tightening, which is not good if you're looking to jump high.

You'll be able to achieve higher heights with your jumps when your muscles are flexible enough. It's crucial that you know which muscles to boost so that it will be easier for you to increase your jumping capacity.

Achieving strength and speed improvements will be worthless if your core and stabilizers are not strong enough in the first place. There won't be enough energy to support your legs when you would like to jump if you haven't improved your core and stabilized your muscles adequately. Workouts that may help with this include plank varieties and one-legged squats.


There are nine variables which have an effect on your vertical leap. Thus, you need a vertical leap training program that covers all variables to make sure that you achieve your goal to jump high. There are some programs that pay attention to just one or two variables. Other aspects such as nutrition are often overlooked. There is one program that's multifaceted and is able to cover all nine variables, and this is The Jump Manual. A systematic workout plan is being utilized in this program.

More exercises and drills are demonstrated in this great video:

06/13/2014 01:30

I promised to talk about vertical jumping so here’s my first article about a jump manual that helped me personally increase my vertical leap.

The capability to jump high is one thing that every basketball athlete needs to possess. With a very good vertical jump, players can be much better and more flexible in the court. If your jumping ability is weak, then your overall performance in the game might suffer. In that case, you need to think of using Jump Manual so that you can boost your jumping abilities proficiently.

I first got acquaintances with the manual through basket ballworkouttips and with this system I’ve learned how to enhance my speed and strength. With that, you will be able to attain an impressive vertical leap. The systematic techniques are all stated in a downloadable eBook format. Pictures, videos, and exercise directions are also provided so that you can easily comprehend the training. The Jump Manual will also improve your neurologic response, strength, and endurance once you finish all the trainings. Just make certain that you follow it religiously.

jumping-guideIndeed, there are other training programs out there that promised to help boost your vertical leap. The other programs only touch one or two jumping variables that is the reason why they typically fail to help people in improving their vertical leap. A multi-faceted approach is used in the manual, to make sure that your training is extensive. There are nine variables that affect vertical leap, and all of them are covered in The Jump Manual that is why this is the very best training course. Some of the variables that have a profound effect on a person’s vertical leap are versatility, form, balance, stability, fuel, and several others. Most training programs often ignored nutrition, which is not good as this variable has a really profound effect on your ability to jump high. Nutrition is essential when you train since it gives your body the energy that you need while letting you develop muscles. A diet plan that will enable you to build muscles effectively is included in The Jump Manual, a plan which was constructed carefully with the help of including guidelines regarding how to use whey protein properly.

What Can You Expect

Improvements are seen after fourteen days of training, but the full effects are observed after 12 weeks wherein trainees were able to jump 40 to 44 inches off the ground. While The Jump Manual is effective, it cannot magically boost your jump in one night. Hard work, dedication, and focus are required so that they can succeed in this endeavor. Keep in mind that regardless how effective a program is, you'll never have anything out of it if you are not willing to put in the effort to work and learn.

testing-vertical-leapThe Jump Manual has its own forum website where you can communicate with other individuals who share the same goals. There, you can also check out reviews as well as other opinions concerning the manual. This will give you more idea about what the manual is all about. Furthermore, for any concern about the program, you have the liberty to send emails always.

Being alone in any venture you are in make things more complicated. The email support and the forum site ensure that you have a solid support system that will encourage you until the end. The training is tedious, but it is easy to overcome if you know that someone is there to listen to your worries and experiences.

Jacob Hiller is the genius behind The Jump Manual. He spent ten years to create the best techniques to help people jump higher. Witness the many benefits of this program by taking advantage of the 60-day trial. This manual is very effective that is why it consistently received positive testimonials from professional athletes. The ability to jump high, coupled with some other skills, is your edge in the game basketball. Aside from that, it will also develop your overall body condition so that you can play better in the court. With this, you’ll become one of the best players in your team.

06/12/2014 17:03

Welcome to my Blog!

My name is Andy and I'm a huge fan of basketball, especially dunking one too.

playingI hope to share with you here a little bit about me and what I've gone through in my life as a basketball fan.

Your thoughts and suggestions are more than welcome, therefore go ahead and feel free to leave comments and share them with me!

I'll be covering many subjects in the blog starting from general fitness stuff like strength training and gym, to basketball related topics. I'm gonna get down to the bottom of subjects like offense/defense, shooting, ball handling, strategies, drills and of course, how not, my favourite subject - vertical jumping.

I want to have community where we can discuss all the questions and setbacks we run into as athletes and to come up with solutions for them.

I hope you'll like this blog since this is the first time I open an actual blog and I have no experience in this area, so bear with me as I go through it.

Thanks for the understanding.

06/12/2014 17:02

My website has been launched today. Weehee!!!



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10/08/2014 12:11
Lately it has come to my attention that people are not getting the results they were expecting...
07/10/2014 06:11
Not all athletes have the ability to jump high. Therefore, there are known techniques that you can...
06/13/2014 01:30
I promised to talk about vertical jumping so here’s my first article about a jump manual that...
06/12/2014 17:03
Welcome to my Blog! My name is Andy and I'm a huge fan of basketball, especially dunking one too. I...
06/12/2014 17:02
My website has been launched today. Weehee!!!